Monday, August 13, 2012

Create Your Own Superhero

        Old magazines are a perfect place to look when you create your own superhero.
Gather sales papers, catalogs, magazines, newspapers and junk mail to create your own superhero. While flipping through the pages, have your child choose a person, creature or inanimate object to be his superhero. Cut out the new superhero.

        Help your child pick various clothes and other accessories from more pages. Cut them out. Glue each item onto the superhero. Glue the finished superhero onto a popsicle stick.

        Be creative with your new superhero. A wacky mom superhero from a clothing catalog might be holding a piece of ham from the grocery store sales paper while surfing on an oversized bar of soap from a magazine ad. This activity is a fun one to repeat until you have a complete collection of superheroes.

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